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The Ros

The mysterious springs of The Ros. Many seek it out...and many are disappointed. 

"Curative waters." or "Strange Pools." they have been called. It is a game of chance when dipping into the warm water that makes up the many springs. There are a total of seven. No one quite knows which does what. It has been said and shown that one day, the waters of one who had healed someone of an ailment would then mentally torture the next. Or perhaps a pool that scared away the fish swimming inside could then stitch wounds mere minutes later. It all depends on the luck of the roll....quite literally.



Should your character seek out these waters, they must choose one spring at a time. Each time the waters are tested (Which must be with a part of their body), you must roll 1d20.

1-5 Negative Effect
Should you roll for negative, your character will suffer the condition known throughout Simul as "Untrust". Your character will become overly paranoid at everything. They may not even try and use another pool of water to cure their original issue. They will not trust even their lover(s). This may cause them to run from anything and anyone at any given time. Stress can cause hair loss and a shrill voice at all times.

This will last two weeks IC.


These effects affect the entire body, whether or not you completely submerged.


6-14 Normal Waters

These will do nothing other than relax you in the radiating heat.


15-20 Complete Cure

Any minor issue your character ails from will be cured. Scars, disease, sanity loss, sleep deprivation, minor curses and hexes, flesh wounds, etc.  More severe ailments such as cancers, disfigurement, limb loss, bone breaks etc will not be fixed.


The waters can only be used once per day. Meaning, if you touch one spring, whether or not it is your whole body, you will gain nothing from any of the others until the next day. By that time...your character may be dead already.




Don't let the pools frighten you! The Ros is also one of the most beautiful natural landscapes Simul has to offer. Despite the rumors and even evidence, this has not stopped the most seasoned of travelers from making the hike and resting among the cabins.

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