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Korrig Harbor City

Korrig was a small fishing village built with the old washed up bones from some unknown sea-monster. Through trade established with Sudbury, they began to grow quickly; the people receiving help and better building supplies. Within the course of 80 years, they went from simple homes to a walled city with attached castle, and a port big enough for some of the largest ships on the seas.


A bell on the harbor clangs loudly and seabirds scream and cry overhead, fighting with one another for any tasty scrap dropped by people in the street. The salt air is heavy and the paint on the buildings are warn from sea storms but the people are bright and enigmatic. The market is loud throughout the day and there are sea-shanties to be heard all over the city streets. The smell of fish and salt and sea has sunk into every part of this city. Korrig grows every day, becoming more important to the economy of Simul as the lands grow with new people and new ventures. The population has topped 20,000 souls and hopes to acquire more.


Stat Placeholder

Year Incorporated: 1129

Korrig Harbor City Map

Misses Smith

"Women can smith just as well as men!" A frequent phrase you will hear walking through the door of Korrig's most popular blacksmith shop, Misses Smith. Run by Julia and her lovely wife, Amethyst. 


​Most of their items are made with more than a womanly touch. Tough and highly durable, these pieces are not general imbued, however, can be if taken to the right mage.

Lambs to the Slaughter

A butcher’s shop run by a man named One-Eye Pete, so-named for the fact he has only one eye. It’s pretty self-explanatory. He provides high quality meat that is as finely cut as they come, Pete loving precision and refusing anything but perfection. Many of the meats sold here come from across the sea, bringing an exotic flavor to the meat market.

Healthy Heals

A hospital run by a former fisherman, Healthy Heals is one of the most well-kept hospitals in Korrig. It is run by a man named Salty, whose stories of his times at sea often entertain sick patients at the hospital. Rather than magic, the hospital usually prefers “natural” healing, meaning anything non-magical, though they’ll use magic when it’s needed. Salty doesn’t trust magic, not since that one day… What happened on the dreaded “that day” changing with every telling.


Though it is small for a library, Insight has most information people need. Often used as a place for children to study, you won't often find people digging for highly rare material. Still, it is a nice little place to come, sit, relax, enjoy a mug of coffee made by the owner, Brit, and read.

The Thirsty Seahound

A tavern of modest quality run by modest people, a pair of husbands named John and James. The two serve their customers with as much love as they would a child, preparing their meals with all the care of a mother. The tavern usually smells of salt and fish, a side effect of all the fishermen who frequent it.

Bolstering Brews

Come on down to Bolstering Brews for your home remedies and cleaning supplies! Jarren is great with his hands and even better with his mind. Specializing in home remedies for common illness, he also creates potions for everyday use and cleaning.


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Sally's Muffins

A simple bakery run by a woman named Sally, an elderly woman who has been baking since she was just a young girl and loving it all the while. Kindly and always giving a smile, she provides a lot of hungry fishermen with fresh pastries. Her muffins are especially delicious, being declared “famous”, and so the store is named after them.

Dock's Harbor

The docks of the harbor, a spot where a lot of Simulian trade occurs. It is one of the most lively places in all the continent, ships coming to and from the harbor to sell and steal away with their wares. The dockmaster, who just so happens to be named Dock (though most people don’t believe that’s his real name), will help anyone who needs it to get to where they need to go. Just don’t bother him while he’s busy. Which is...often. Might be worth the yelling for these prices!

Mending Waters

In the great city of Korrig Harbor lies a great healer. Tending to the sea fairing and travelers, Sam doesn't let a single soul leave her city in disarray. She is not a talkative woman, but she sure has a touch that can heal just about any ailment. Even those coming to her for birthing their children will be met with the same caring eyes as any other.


Her home is cozy, and there is always hot water on the fire. Tea, coffee, a warm bath, anything you need. Had she not dedicated her life to practicing healing, some lucky man would have swept this beautiful woman up.


​Using water as her main way of healing, she picked one of the best cities to settle in. Her touch is usually cool, but her use can be any temperature. Whatever is most comfortable for you.

Fishy Feats

A store for all things fishing. Fishing rods, bait, things to ward off nasty sea creatures while you’re out on the ocean, Fishing Bob’s got it all! He has dedicated his entire life to the craft, the greatest accomplishment he has ever had being taking that fish twice the size of a man from the grips of mother sea. It lies mounted on his wall to this day, carefully preserved and polished.

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