Dissilio 5th, 10,1017
It is my displeasure to bring the most current news to Simul. As much as I would love to not have to relay this information, it is my duty to keep you all informed and as safe as I can. With that, I must weave together the details of last night’s horrors.
Before the sun began to descend, something else fell upon our great kingdom. From what we can gather, the first attack was in Korrig. Despite the docks already having taken a major hit, it appears the assailants decided they needed to come back to finish the job. Unfortunately, the structures are a complete loss. Even worse, it has been reported that more than 20 people are still missing while the casualties are nearing the same number and injuries have topped 33.
From what we can tell, the next attack was shortly thereafter in Timberholde. Every city entrance was reportedly blown apart and virtually sealing the city inside of itself. This also included grave damage to the newest addition, the train. The station and surrounding area have been destroyed beyond repair. Casualties have reached 67, more than 40 have been injured and another 17 are still missing.
Another attack mere hours after came in the form of another explosion. This one took out the entirety of the bridge from the mainland to Curet Insula. No fatalities have been reported, but it has only been a few hours since receiving the news and searches are still in effect.
I wish I could say that I have reported everything. I wish I could tell you great people that we can recover from this. I wish I had the magic words…something to give you all hope. Unfortunately, with this last piece of information I have to bear, I cannot fathom how we are to unite.
At just past 8 last night, Eleutheria and our royal family was attacked. According to the guards and surviving staff, nothing was out of the ordinary until they heard Hilda scream and then what sounded like a man being tortured. This man is assumed to be King Alfred. Apparently, shortly after, a fire broke out, causing many of the people who also lived in the castle to flee with little to nothing to the second story of the city. Still, 13 are missing and feared dead. The royal family was never located, even after the fire was quelled.
There was but a note left at the scene. This note had a confession and confessions to more crimes that were, unfortunately, confirmed this morning. The entire Fortescue bloodline has been murdered. Sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers… all of the bloodline has been taken from Simul in the most horrid of ways. I cannot even begin to write what information I have been given.
Simul…please. PLEASE be safe. I know we are now living in a very uncertain time. I have faith that we will be okay. Please, look after yourselves, your families, your neighbors and your cities.
This is Flynn, signing off.
Bruma 20th, 10,018
Read the entirety in Simul Quarterly
"Portals to the 'outside' cities will be cut off from the mainland, effective immediately. Due to the lack of cooperation from Arcanus Aecor, Occultatem Terra, and Astu Aether, the capitol has decided, for the moment, that it is best to shut the portals down. Any and all rations that are needed for survival will be transported by the King's Guard once per month until each city can contain itself or they comply. This also stands for the islands of Curet Insula. Since the obliteration of the bridge that connected both lands, it has been decided to keep the severance until further notice."