Unless marked specifically, all commands are slash
Profile Commands
#profilecommands #profilebot #profile
📌To Create The Profile Card (You must do this first): /createprofile You CAN have mutliple profiles, or you can make just one with a list of your characters.
📌To View Your Own Profile: /profile (name)
📌To View Another Person's Profile: /profile (name)
📌To Add a Banner to the Bottom of the Profile: /editprofileimage YOURURLHERE
📌To Edit Picture in Top Right hand Corner: /editthumbnail YOURURLHERE
📌To edit any section, type "/edit" first and the list of edit commands will come up in the slash menu on Discord
📌Not sure what profile you are looking for? Try /list to see a list of all profiles currently stored.
Note: You can only create one profile. However, there are spaces enough for even the most addicted of players.
Also, if you would like line breaks, or to make your character lists look uniform and pretty as fuck, I suggest the following:
Example for adding Profiles
Alias Commands
📌To Create a new Alias (You must do this first): createalias (You can create as many as you like. Only one word names for Name, but be as creative as you like for the Display Name)
📌To View Your Own Aliases: listaliases
📌To Edit your Alias: editalias
📌To Delete an Alias: deletealias
📌To use an Alias: /name message
Posting as your Alias
What it looks like once you have posted as your Alias
Character Birthday Commands
You can now add your character's birthday to the bot and it will post a Happy Birthday Announcement in the Simul Social channel! You can add multiple characters.
📌To add your character's birthday to the bot, do add_birthday. You can either put in a real date or a Simul date.
📌To delete, do delete_birthday charactername
📌To edit, edit_birthday
Fun Commands
Dice/Coin Commands #dice
📌roll Dice (Ex: 5d100)
📌coin (Heads or Tails)
8Ball Command
@User Shit
📌hug @user
📌slap @user
📌tickle @user
📌tackle @user
📌pat @user
📌poke @user
📌whois @user (User's information)
📌serverinfo (Info on the server)
Random Dad Jokes
Rock Paper Scissors
Tic Tack Toe
Connect 4
Roleplay/Lore Commands
Map Command #map #mapcommand
Help (Contains links to everything important with a drop down)
Music Commands (Out of Comission Currently)
Music Commands #music #musicbot
📌leave (To make it leave the VC)
📌join (To join the VC)
📌now_playing (To see current song)
📌queue (To see the list)