Did ya miss me? I bet you did. But have no fear, as it is I, Flynn, back at it again with some Simul News! I just wish it was all good news.
It seems there have been some havoc among our citizens. I have done my best to keep you all updated as news reaches my desk here at Coexisting Connections, but I am only one 'person'. I can only do so much. I do appreciate your trust in me, however, and I will continue to do my best!
With the unfortunate breaking news stories, it seems that a lot of Simul citizens have been looking down upon those of us who are magic users. Can we really blame them? As 'magical' as this land is, we have always had that tiny line of...suspicion when it comes to the supernatural. I had done my own digging, attempting to find who or what is causing such chaos. I just can't. This will not stop me from trying! We all deserve answers! As much as I could ramble all day about the awful happenings in the dark, I think it's time for a lighter subject. It's finally a new year! You know what that means? Yet another time for us to unite and become one. Simul;s foundation has always been unification against all odds. The whisperings on the winds tell me that is exactly what you good people plan on doing. So, hug your loved ones, share your wealth, and send positive energy out into the world. This year will be Simul's best yet!
Oh! Speaking of! One last note before I leave you. A local nobel has decided to be a sort of 'Secret Saint'. Unfortunately, to keep their identity hidden, they haven't had a moment to try and recruit for this special gift. So, I, Flynn, promised to get the word out! Take a gander at the letter below.

So, if it is not clear enough here, if you know someone deserving of an all expenses paid home, please write us a letter on Simul Social, or through our mail system, and tag Coexisting Connections, telling us who and why! The Secret Saint will announce the lucky person/family in three days from today!
As always, with love, Flynn.