Hello again my fellow Simulians! Tis your one and only, yet somehow, favorite Simul Social Personality! I’m back with another issue of Simul Quarterly for your eyes to feast upon.
Since our last newsworthy update, our fair kingdom has been relatively quiet and peaceful. Well…as peaceful as it can be with the fear of looming doom. I am sure there is nothing to panic about!
I did hear through the grapevine that something had happened recently. Soooooo, our favorite tavern, Mary’s, was attacked a few weeks back. Apparently, the assailant had blown off the whole front of her beautiful establishment! I did hear someone even DIED. Who in the hell does that? At least there were some nice folks that helped her rebuild fairly quickly. But you know what’s strange? Though there were witnesses….no one spoke a name. Perhaps I will do some digging.
On a lighter note! Two of Simul’s favorite holidays are coming up fast! First, Canto Mortuus. Every year, the battle for the most treats takes place. Alongside the opening of Soulstagne’s magical barrier, this holiday brings together families and friends in ways that can only happen on this special day. Be sure to make quick work of those calories, for the Festival of the Hunter’s Moon comes next. Our best and brightest adventurers will take to the wilds and procure enough meat for all of Simul to eat happily through the rest of the winter months. Do you think you have what it takes to be this years’ “Heroic Hunter” and dethrone Evan Skjöld'Drek? –How do you even pronounce that--?
Wanna know something cool? I heard that there is an upcoming competition! All the deets below!

Process and Rules:
📌 You must list your character(s) that will be participating in Suggest and Discuss with "Participants"
📌You can have as many characters as you want take part in this event
📌You are only allowed one post (As long as you like), per character
📌Your character is only allowed ONE action (A mix of more than one ability, if that is something they can do, is allowed, but must be only one action)
📌The bubble in which your character enters is completely indestructible, so the action can be as destructive as you want
📌Your character may bring props into the bubble for show of ability
📌NO edits OR deletes of posts allowed. That character will be disqualified. (If you accidentally post before your post is completed, please ping a staff in Suggest and Discuss so we know why you deleted your post)
📌Your post must be completed between 10-2 12 AM MST and 10-4 11:50 PM MST
📌Your post must have your character explaining what the ability is and what its purpose is
📌One of the staff members will post and ping each participant in Timberholde when the event starts, and may be setting the scene.
📌Once the event starts, anyone not participating can vote for their favorite posts by leaving a single reaction on said post. You only get ONE vote, but can change it if something else catches your eye. Choose wisely.
📌Staff will be the “Judge Panel” and will be judging posts on the following:
📌Beauty in execution
📌Effectiveness of ability(ies)
📌Effective Range
📌Energy Cost
📌Each reaction from onlookers will add to final score
📌Winner will recieve the custom role of "Master of the Magical-2023"
Winner of the title! @Silver Drafaylum