Hello and welcome to the brand new Local News Station here at Coexisting Connections! My name is Lucius Scarletwound and I am here to bring you the news as often as necessary. Thanks for your continuous support!
Today marks about three weeks since registrations for magics has begun and though Simul has been incredibly helpful in this endeavor, we want to remind everyone of what our goals are.
Under this law, all Simul citizens will abide by a new curfew. This law only stands in city limits. Until the perpetrators of the crimes against Simul have been found and punished, the curfew will stand between the hours of 9 PM and 6 AM. All citizens must be inside between these hours. All businesses inside of city limits must adjust their hours accordingly. All businesses will be compensated by the Royal Fund with proper documentation of loss of revenue. All requests must be sent to Ferren Drebek, Royal Quarters, Eleutheria.
Until a new royal family can be assigned, Siphoning Mages have been increased in order to be disbursed throughout Simul. Every major city and landmark will now be equipped with roaming Siphoning Mages to patrol the area. This is for the safety of our people. Until the crime has been quelled, Siphoning Mages will make their homes among the people. If you would like to house a Mage, please contact the Royal Quarters in order to set a meeting and be qualified. Any and all who offer aid will be compensated for their time, room and board.
Any and all magical technology and persons (Non-Humans or Magical Humans) must register their abilities and capabilities. Alongside the Siphoning Mages, groups of Treasurers will accompany them in order to survey the populace. This may seem a bit invasive, but this is for the safety of all. Those who have taken lives and caused suffrage have yet to be brought to justice. Until that time, for the peace of mind of every soul, we must be open about who we all are. Any persons or items found to not be registered will immediately be confiscated and/or jailed until proper paperwork is obtained. From the date of this article, all persons/items must be registered within the next 7 days. Persons registered will have a card designated to them which must be on their person at all times for identification purposes. You can register at your local post office or main city entrances. There will be temporary offices designated for this purpose.
This is not a new law, but more a warning for citizens. If you see something or someone magical, please use caution. Do not treat your fellow man any differently, however! That is not what we are doing here. We just want people to be safe and secure. This is why Identification Cards will be provided. If someone magical refuses to identify themselves, or have proper paperwork for magical items, please contact your local authorities. It may just be that they did not see the announcements. You will be doing them a favor! The faster we identify those with magic, the faster we can find and deal with the assailants on our land.
Thank you so much to those who have already registered yourselves and your items. For those who still have not, the deadline may have passed, but we are still traveling the lands in order to make the transition much easier. As of this day, Sudbury is the only city that has no office in order to register. Unfortunately, communication between the Ferren Force and the local leaders of the magical city have broken down. We are still working on things, and until then, the city will be heavily guarded with the SM until we can come to an agreement that makes everyone's lives a little easier. As always, travel safe and stay amazing Simul. This is Lucius Scarletwound signing off.