In this thread, you will find the list of races custom and/or native to Simul. These are usually races that have been spoken of in the lore fairly frequently, or have been part of Simul since forever. If you plan on making a character that is based from Simul, and would like more information on some of the eldest races, feel free to sift through! THIS LIST IS NOT A LIST YOU HAVE TO USE
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Feral People of Curet Insula
📌99% of the people from Curet Insula have some sort of animalistic traits (Physical and genetically)
📌The people live on average 200 years
📌Though very primitive, they are very open to learning about new technologies and ways of life (This often does not change their own way of life)
📌They lack modesty. Skin is Skin, as they say
📌Most of them are in peak physical shape
📌Over half of the population is rather feral in personality
📌There are no averages in height due to their animalistic nature (Depends on the animal they are genetically produced from)
📌Mating is as normal humans