You will find here a list of illnesses and diseases 'native' to Simul. If a disease/illness is not native to Simul, it will be labeled as such, alongside a description on how it came to Simul. This list is not complete and may be updated from time to time.
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Name: The Sniffles (Allergies)
Symptoms: Coughing, sneezing, sore throat, chest and nose congestion, lack of taste and smell, mellow fever, headache
Original Source: Allergens, dust, mold, heat, cold, dander, etc.
Treatment: There are various potions and medications over the counter to help alleviate allergies whether seasonal or not. Most opt to take decongesting and throat soothing types as they deal with the most issues the fastest. It is also recommended to take headache medication in tandem.
Cure: There is no cure for any type of allergies, only medications and potions to alleviate the symptoms.
Fatality: The rate of fatalities is <.01%. Unless a person has a MAJOR allergy and goes into shock, they will survive.
Submitted by @Silver Drafaylum @Lyanna Legend