
Kinsfolk Day

Date: Hiems 22nd
With a new year comes new goals and new beginnings. As with most of the holidays and celebrations that are honored throughout Simul, Kinsfolk Day is a day of harmony. Many people have taken to traveling to locations that they can share with family, even if for only a day. While spending time with those closest, Simulians tend to bring gifts and calm vibes in order to keep the smooth transition into a new year as fluid as possible. This is a great time to make amends, put to rest stress and create a tranquil start to another week of life.
Lux Amare
Date: Bruma 8th
A day of love, friendship, and family. Seen more as a romantic holiday, Lux Amare is often celebrated at home with spouses or lovers. Gifts of flowers, sweets and gorgeous garments are a preferred method, though some opt to going out on the town, holding hands, and professing their love. Lux Amare would generally be seen as a joyous day in which to wed, even with the winter still looming overhead.
Festival of the The Rising Sun
Date: Ver 1st
Every year, the people of Simul celebrate The Rising Sun, their version of Spring. During this Festival, that lasts three days, people gather in whatever city they reside in, or are near, where they will put into practice the premise of Simulian morals: Giving. From the pantries of homes, people bring forth the food they have horded all winter, and share what they have left with those less fortunate. Of course, everyone gets to eat, but the children and elderly feast first!
Merryman's Day
Date: Dissilio 2nd
Do you consider yourself a prankster? Perhaps someone who enjoys a good joke? Either way, Merryman's Day may just be your favorite holiday! For generations, the people of Simul have celebrated this holiday in elaborate and highly entertaining ways. This is not to say that some people do not take it too far, but the holiday itself is based on good, clean fun. Be prepared! If you dare show your face in public, you may just be the recipient of a prank and a rolling belly laugh!
The Festival of Unity:
Stirps 7th
A festival set on the anniversary of the integration of Dun'lorn and its entrance as an official city within the Kingdom. The festival is held on the great plateau outside the main gate leading into the city where all citizens of the empire are encouraged to go and see first hand the the culture beneath the stone to buy and sell their wares and to partake in dwarven cuisine. Every year, there is a special tournament held within the walls, and the victor receives the best of the best prizes and treatment throughout the festival.
Festival of The Scorching Sun:
Aestus 1st
As the land warms up, and harvests begin for the beginning of the year, Simul celebrates with a Festival of The Scorching Sun. Giving thanks to whatever gods individuals see fit, the festival usually centers itself in the massive city of Timberholde. During the day, trades happen. Sharing goods from all over the land. Vendors lining the streets. Merchants looking to not only sell, but to trade and bargain for breads they can only enjoy so often. By night, the streets are still lined, but with more fire and dancing and music as bards trade lyrics and cords. The Scorching Sun Festival lasts anywhere between one week to an entire month, depending on the luck of the harvests.
Crustacean Infestation
Date: Calor 11th through 16th
Protector's Day
Date: Calor 25th
The name of this holiday leaves little to the imagination, yet it is a very widely celebrated holiday. Often, the people of Simul will take a day in the middle of the week off in order to celebrate and praise those in the protection career path. Guardians, guards, constables, military and the like are regarded with the utmost of respect, especially on Protector's Day. Being celebrated so closely after the yearly infestation, many will take to offering gifts of food, drink and free room and board in local taverns and pubs in order to show their thanks to those who put their lives on the line. Don't forget to thank a local hero!
Festival of The Setting Sun
Date: Messis 1st
Yet again, harvest envelopes Simul land. This harvest is a big deal for those who call this kingdom home. For this is the final harvest of the year before Mother Nature coats the lush earth in white. With abundance of goods, the farmers and merchants from all over once again travel to the city of Timberholde for trade. The turn out is usually much larger than the Festival of The Scorching Sun, as it is the last opportunity to get fresh produce and meats and the like before the cold hits. There is always a celebration during the nights, as the festival can last upwards of a month, leaving the people of Timberholde to clean up. They don't mind though, as they are proud of their city.
Weekend of Voyagers
Date: Sumo 13-15
Every year, Simulians do their best to travel as much as possible. The massive kingdom has always been difficult to traverse, giving those with more 'fast travel' equipment and abilities great opportunities to create businesses focused on such. It was only a matter of time before someone saw this issue for the poor and natural and created a solution. In the year 10,012, a man by the name of Orion Gursk decided it was time. With his magics in hand and a sharp mind, he went to work creating portal stones scattered throughout the land. Without a toll, these traveling devices have made it incredibly easy to people to travel all over the land in the blink of an eye. Since, citizens of Simul have started a tradition of celebrating the ability to travel at least once a year to reconnect with long lost friends, families and locations. It has slowly developed into a holiday in it's own and one can easily hear stories from those who partake throughout Simul during this particular weekend.
Canto Mortuus
Date: Ceres 13th
Once per year, on the 13th of Ceres, the dead are allowed to come from their confines of Soulstagne. The barrier surrounding the City of The Dead melts away, allowing those residing within to walk upon the land of the living. In turn, those living can enter the grounds of Soulstagne.
"Everyone who enters must wear a mask. For the dead can become envious of the living and become vengeful in the night of celebration." This is an ancient tradition, passed down by the first living person to enter the city of the damned. Over time, it has transformed into something a bit more than just masks. Some will even dress up wholly in costumes, and come to bear gifts. Some Simulians even celebrate the tradition outside of Soulstagne. Dressing up and celebrating the dead from the comfort of their homes.
Those who know and celebrate this bittersweet occasion keep well note of time, for as soon as one week is up, those who are dead must return, or have their soul banished to an afterlife unsavory. Those who still have a heartbeat must leave the grounds in order to keep it.
Festival of The Hunter's Moon
Date: Nivalis 1st
Without the farms to mass produce fresh food during the winter months, the people of Simul have come to find, sending out the strongest of their hunters to provide for the nearest cities. With the abundance of wildlife, the people of Simul never go hungry, even those considered homeless and wanderers. Taking to the mountain ranges and far forests, it is usually the goal of the hunters to reduce the populations of larger beasts. Though, the beasts replenish their numbers come spring mating season.
Finne Anni Vale
Date: Frigus 28th
The end of every year is a meaningful occasion for those who have made Simul their home. This is a time of atonement and forgiveness. Most of all, self appreciation.
Instead of a large festival or celebration, the people of the land stay home, with their families or companions, and spend time together. Before the end of the night happens, each and every one will write their own letters to themselves. Confessing sins, making wishes, letting go of regrets....all upon one sheet of parchment. Setting these letters ablaze, this is symbolic of letting go of the past and looking forward to the future.