The tallest cloaked figure put a swollen finger to the shriveled parchment. Displayed on the paper was a poorly drawn map of Simul, marked to the hilt and singed on the sides. It had seen much use and was obviously important to the group of four. They hovered closely to the rotten stump it had been splayed upon, their dull eyes watching their leader's every movement as he spoke their next plans. "We move come the morning." A few nods were the only answer he received...but the noise coming from footfalls beyond the tree line had him rolling the map up and shoving it into his inner cloak pocket.
Your character(s) have happened to hear rumors of the mages that had attacked Korrig Harbor City have been camping about The Ros. Since the location is usually empty with the exception of the desperate, it seems to be the perfect hide out. Whether your character(s) go in alone or with a team, they have one goal. Capture and interrogate. However...it doesn't appear the assailants are willing to give themselves over alive. This will be a fight to the death.
How This Plays:
📌This scene will take place in The Ros starting 6/6/2024 at 12 AM MST
📌Your character(s) will enter the scene. You must write an intro post (No min required)
📌You can roll 1d20 every 30 minutes, starting with your first roll after intro. (30 minutes must pass before next roll) You must label your roll with which assailant your character(s) will be attacking.
📌You can write your attack as a post, or you can just roll. No post required.
📌Each person involved will start with 300 Hit Points. Each roll of the d20 will be points taken from the opposing party's HP pool. This means every hit is a connect. (Please also add your HP total to your note in your roll. An example will be given if you need)
📌The assailants (4) will roll 1d30 every 30 minutes.
📌If your HP pool hits 0, your character is knocked out. However, when an assailant's HP pool is 0, they are dead.
📌Once all assailants are dead, a mod will provide a post of what happens next and what items are found.
📌The person who deals the most damage (You must keep numbers of how many points of damage your characters do), will receive a new weapon that is listed below.
📌Should a character be knocked into a pool, the rules apply. Found HERE. This can be a very good thing for your character...or bad. Should your character come into contact with the pool and a POSITIVE roll happens, your character will receive up to 25 points back. Should it be NEGATIVE, only the negative affect will apply. Should it be NEUTRAL, your character will gain back up to 10 points.
The Assailants:
Lennox Zain

Seymour Nebula

Weapon That Can be Found and Attained:

📌This weapon is 8 inches (20 cm) long
📌The blade is breakable, but the handle is not. Should the blade shatter, it will reform itself in 24 hours. While broken, the enchantment does not work.
📌The Enchantment: While the user has a hold of this blade, they can mirror ONE ability that has been used in a combat scenario for three turns. This is also limited to once (Can mimic only one, can use mimicked spell multiple times during the three turns depending on how it is worded on the original profile) per combat scene. This can be done without any drain to their natural abilities. Should the blade be dropped or broken, this ends the enchantment and ability steal.
Assailants will now be rolling a d20