Dates and Time: 2/5-2/8
During the end of winter, there lies a holiday that many find to be the most important. Very few would find this holiday a headache. More often than not, it is revered as one of the best and many even look forward to it. You can read more on Lux Amare HERE found on Bruma the 8th.
The end of winter also means many different things. Less snow. Warming weather. Signs that crops may be planted soon. Color returning to the lands of Simul. However, there is one more thing people who are in love look forward to. The annual hunt of the Cor. Cor are quite adorable with a bit of a sad background. Cor are creatures who boast beautiful and soft pink colored fur, large black eyes, and short stubby legs. Weighing no more than five pounds for the first twenty years of their long lives, Cor are often considered immortal. Mostly because their rare adult form is seldom seen. Once they reach maturity, near the second decade of life, Cor will escape their confines, whether the home they have chosen or the area in which they lived in Simul, and go back to their birthing grounds for mating in Tranquillum during the month of Sumo. Once mated, they give birth to one or two offspring during the month of Hiems and shortly after pass away and become a part of the land in Tranquillum. This leaves the offspring without parents and without a clue on the outside world. You can read more about these creatures HERE
During Lux Amare, it has become tradition that the citizens of Simul, especially those in love, with hunt down and hopefully bond with one of these small animals. It is said that once bonded, the Cor will become part of your family for its life and bring great success in love and happiness. A good luck charm in the form of something so adorable! It is no wonder the rumored tradition has gone on for centuries. Besides, who doesn't want a gift of something so cuddly?
The Event: During the listed dates above, all are allowed to join in this event. You can play as many characters as you wish and there is no post order unless you plan on roleplaying out a scene with other people. Then you must determine your own post order.
You must roll a d20 in the bot spam channel. Only once! You must also label this number with the chosen character, otherwise, the roll will not count. If it is edited, it will not count. Whatever number you get is your number. Others may get the same number, but that does not matter. You do not have to have a different number. Just remember your own.
Every time you post, which you can do once per hour (60 minutes between posts), and your character comes across a Cor, you must roll again to see if your number comes up. This can be done in the channel of the hunt (Tranquillum). If not, that is not the fuzzy cute for you! Move on and find another, for that one will not bind with your character and will escape if your character tries and take it home.
You may only acquire ONE Cor to take home with your character.
Again, anyone is allowed to join in this event. Find a partner for it, or go at it alone.
Happy Hunting!