Date and Time:
5-27-22 (Staff Start) til End
Have you ever been depressed? Angry? Off the handle, as some would put it? Have you ever wondered why? Searched for an answer despite it feeling so hopeless to do so? Well, how about a surprise like no other? Let's be depressed and angry and anti-social together! If you answered no to any or all of the above, it is really going to suck to be you in about...two more paragraphs.
You live in Simul. You are minding your own business. The summer months have finally come and life is bursting across the land. Since the Timberholde Incident (tm), things have been relatively quiet. Right? Riiiiiight? Let's change that.
One sunny day during the beginning of the warmer season, you are walking around town or exploring or perhaps murdering a group of skeletons, and you feel something reeeeally warm attach to one of your limbs. Peering upon said warmth, you spot a black, fuzzy ball that seems to have not even a mouth. Freaky much? Abso-fucking-lutely. Unfortunately, no matter how much you shake and throw that ass in a circle, this damned thing won't fall off. Worse yet? The closer you examine this little parasite, the more you realize it is in fact...just that. A singular claw, sunken into your flesh/shell/armor or what else have you, burying deep within your muscle/fat (Don't argue). As much as you pull and yank, this damn thing just won't come off! Does it get worse? Of fucking course it does. Because, the longer the little fucker stays stuck to you, the worse you feel. Depression would be easy considering the awful feelings and emotions and outbursts to come. Every day will become hard. Every action you will literally have to force your body to commit. Every word will feel like vomit falling from your lips. Life simply...will become the hardest thing you will ever have to do.
There is one question burning on everyone's mind. Can it be cured? Perhaps the answer will bring a tiny little sliver of hope to your mind. Yes. There is a cure. How do you attain such? Within yourself. That's fucking right! YOU will have to find a reason to LIVE. Will you find it before you lose all hope or hurt someone? Or will you succumb to the evil brewing within.
How the Event will run:
~On the date, a staff member will type the words "Event Started" in the events channel.
~If you choose to have a character or multiple take part in this awful experience, you will roll 1d100 in the bot spam channel, labeled with what character it is. Edited rolls will not count. Please roll with the name. That is that character's number.
~You are allowed to roll 1d100 every 60 minutes (time needs to be elapsed and roll must be labeled)
~If your character hits the roll, they have found their reason to live and the Anti-Cor AKA Tristis Miser will shrivel and fall off and die.
~There is no end to this event, but you are allowed to keep the parasite if that is something you want for your character.
~There is no post minimum for rolls minus the roll of the damn thing dying. Include the "reason to live" in the post. Come on people, this shit is traumatic.
Notes to take:
~Your character's reaction to this "bad vibes" having mofo are totally up to you. Use it to bring the chaos or use it to be a depresso espresso. Whatever you like!
~Once the creature has died, it will shrivel and disappear
~You CAN have a singular character be the victim of more than one of these things at the same time, but each one needs its own number
~If a character has 3 or more of these attached, and manages to defeat 3 or more, please ping staff in the suggest and discuss channel in order to receive your brand new custom role title of "Espresso-ed the Depresso-2022"
~These creatures are about the size of a newborn: 6-9 pounds
~These creatures will latch onto limbs mostly, but will aim for any part of the body