Start Date: 9-16-20 (Midnight) MT
Please react to this announcement to be pinged when the GM posts the intro.
Not too long ago, there wasn't a scuffle inside of Ferax Villum. If one asked anyone from there, they would tell you about the awful, stinky, loud mole rants that seemed to crop up out of the dirt. One Joseph Avergo helped eradicate the damned rats, or so...everyone thought. There was peace among the fields of Ferax for quite a few days. However, they have appeared again. The infestation of oversized and oversmelly mole rats! Luckily, the smol Barcet Strawberry Farm owner has given those in Simul a hand drawn depiction of these "little" terrors and has sought help to clear them out once and for all!
Beware! These tiny ass hats will burp, fart, shit and otherwise claw their way away from you. Better be quick and dilligent!

Image Credit: Muse!
Post Rotation: GM will post intro post Each participant (Bring as many characters as you like) posts (No post minimum) Roll d20 to find one of these fuckers (10 and below is a no find)
Roll d20 to kill the little fucker if you find one (5 and below and the little fucker escapes!)
You can post once per hour
Whoever catches and murders as many of these...well...little fuckers as possible in a 48 hour period will win!
Prizes: Most Killed will receive a spot in Hall of Fame and a custom role title of "Rodent Rambler-2020"