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Curet Insula

For generations, Simulians have avoided the islands to the west of the mainland. Why? Because of the story of Reginald Harris.


Reginald, as the explorer he was, found himself quite curious as to what lay on the islands. He had tried to see with his own eyes, along with magical sight offered from various mages. Despite the warning he received, Reginal Harris was a man of adventure....and adventure he did. What he told of the animalistic people of the islands is still passed as a warning today.


Within the island of Curet Insula lies a people of very feral history. Throughout time, they have had no contact with people outside of their islands, and actually preferred it that way. Despite this, one of their own was curious enough to venture out to the mainland of Simul. Within months, the islands integrated into Simul and travel has become prevalent. Though, the locals of Curet Insula like to keep their primitive area as original as possible, so one will not find cities, but more small communities and tribes. 


All are welcomed by the 'mostly' friendly people of Curet long as you are humble to them in return.


Currently, the bridge from the mainland to the islands has been under constant attack, preventing travel on foot to and from the community.


Year Incorporated: 1

Population: Approximately 600

Beastkin: 92%

Human: 2%

Elven: 2%

Other: 6%

Magically Inclined:

Approximately 4%

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